Tuesday 23 January 2007

Want these? Superman?

Perhaps Superman may be inspired to change his old red trunks after seeing these in Chinatown. And he can be exotic without going through the traumatic experience of tatooing any part of his body and which, haha, are also very auspicious and lucky....perfect for the Lunar New Year. As for me stocking up on these essentials and maybe even wearing them on new years' eve?...hmm...still thinking, still thinking. I'd probably like the "wang" word, actually. :)


Kai-Chong said...

Actually, I dun think Superman would want these trucks and furthermore it would not be save for him to have these as the logo would actually give the bad guys an accurate aim at his private parts...

whirlmax said...

Maybe these underwears could bring luck during chinese new year especially when you wan to "HUAT!"
Did you bought any of these to wear?

Hope said...

Hello Smelly Loo! :D

Lol, I think you should get these and wear them. Got luck. Better still, wear on the outside. Even more luck!

Kai-Chong said...

I guess the next picture we see in this blogsite would be you in the underwear...

I will try to check who is the distributor of this Underwear and maybe they will ask you to be a spokesman...

Just like Ogawa, the next time I go shopping mall, I might see the life-size poster of you...

Chau said...

Haha...the one about providing the aim at Superman is hilarious. But who knows? Maybe the distraction to his female foes will be too great, they will defect to his side. :) As to seeing me wearing this? Haha...if I really run out of underwear...haha...on chinese new year's eve? That may just be my lucky day! If any one wants these, I can get it for you, or you can go straight to Chinatown...outside the OG store.