Sunday 19 August 2007

Singapore Fireworks Festival 2007

I dunno why they call it a festival when there are only two days (17th and 18th Aug) of fireworks. But I read from the STB website that it is part of the national day celebrations. Friday's one was from Spain. Pity I was too tired, else I would have gone there to take a look. I think somebody mentioned that Sat's from China. The police wouldn't allow us to go up the Sheares Bridge anymore. There was a floating platform, but you had to pay money to enter. And because they are now building the DNA Millenia bridge across the marina, most of the other part of the esplanade park was sealed off. So I had to crowd with all the other poor folks on some damp ground behind the esplanade. There were a few pleasant surprises and it was good on the whole, but I felt that there was too much smoke. Perhaps they should time the fireworks less hurriedly, and avoid excessive use of those low firing fireworks that give out more smoke than light.


Anonymous said...

Nice pic! How did you take it? I always have problems taking pictures in the's always very blur...Did you set the exposure time?

By the way, in case you can't find the photos I mentioned, it's here:

Chau said...

I saw your pics already. But I dun know how to comment. Do I have to sign in? I dun have sohu account.

I like the moon pictures you took. Did you take it through the telescope?

For fireworks, you need to allow for shutter speed of about 2-3seconds. If you have manual control, use aperture f11 and set your ISO to 100. For me I use f8 cos that is the smallest aperture my camera can allow.

Still I was told the pic is over-exposed. Need improvement!

Anonymous said...

No you don't have to. Just scroll down and you'll see the comment box right at the bottom.

Yah, the pictures of the moon directly are taken through the telescope. Hard quite a hard time focusing that.

Hmm, I still don't really know how to operate my camera. Don't think I can set the aperture, but thanks for the info. I will try out next time!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Great Pics! Hee hee. I heard that on everyday of the rehersal they also released some fireworks too. But I am not sure if those at the rehersal were the full fireworks.
Look forward to more updates to your blog =)

Chau said...

Hi James, I am so happy you still remember my blog address. :) Let's all update our webpages as regularly as our hectic schedules permit.