Sunday 15 April 2007

Dash of Rainbow Colours

I was on my way up to the marina foodcourt when I passed by this colourful display of awkward lanterns. If you take the escalator, you'll not miss this. If you eat at the Secret Recipe cafe below, these lanterns will be perching right above your heads. These lanterns have been around for some years, but this is the first time I actually bothered to slow down and take a picture of it. With the reflections above the lanterns, I feel it is quite a nice piece of work.


Unknown said...

Wah, Mr Lee, you bring your camera with you everytime you go out? =P

I also intend to buy a nice camera in the near future. Any recommendations?

By the way, my blog is at :)

Chau said...

I used my handphone for that shot. :) Try Canon if you like. The new Ixus should be q good.